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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:57    点击次数:78
汇报时间:2022年12月22日18:30-20:00汇报地点:腾讯会议汇报学生:敬金指导教师:孔令翠汇报题目:《中国超级水电工程生态环境工程创新技术》(序言至第一章)汉英翻译实践报告参与导师:龙仕文、阮先玉、李立平 内容简介:翻译材料选自介绍糯扎渡水电站工程的专著《大国重器--中国超级水电工程·糯扎渡卷》的分册《生态环境工程创新技术》序言和第一章的内容,其中序言主要概括说明糯扎渡水电站工程在建设过程中实现科研、技术突破,践行绿色发展理念,实施环保、水保各项措施,保护当地鱼类和珍稀植物,做到节能...

汇报时间:2022年12月22日18:30-20:00 汇报地点:腾讯会议 汇报学生:敬金 指导教师:孔令翠 汇报题目:《中国超级水电工程生态环境工程创新技术》(序言至第一章)汉英翻译实践报告 参与导师:龙仕文、阮先玉、李立平 内容简介: 翻译材料选自介绍糯扎渡水电站工程的专著《大国重器--中国超级水电工程·糯扎渡卷》的分册《生态环境工程创新技术》序言和第一章的内容,其中序言主要概括说明糯扎渡水电站工程在建设过程中实现科研、技术突破,践行绿色发展理念,实施环保、水保各项措施,保护当地鱼类和珍稀植物,做到节能减排,有效抗旱、防洪,实现通航效益,带动地区经济发展。第一章描述了糯扎渡水电站工程对环境的有利影响和不利影响,突出原国家环境保护总局对工程环境影响的详细要求及水利部对工程水土保持方案的详细要求。 在翻译该文本的过程中对难点进行了提炼,具体如下: 1. 词语风格处理:科技文本中的词语风格处理,该翻译材料中存在带有文气的词语,与工程类文本风格不符,需要脱离词语形式,翻译出词语意思。 2. 专业背景知识&术语理解:水电工程类专业背景知识欠缺,且文本中存在大量专业术语,目前掌握的术语库不够全面,导致对原文理解存在一定困难。 3. 长句理解&行文逻辑梳理&英文表达:科技文本中的长句处理问题,该翻译材料中存在大量长句,句中信息多,层次结构不明显,需要按照英文表达习惯对原文进行长句拆分,调整语序,建立逻辑。 译文修改: 例1: ST: 该工程在建成前,我国已建超过100m高的心墙堆石坝较少,糯扎渡跨越了100m的台阶,超出了我国现行规范的适用范围,已有的筑坝技术和经验已不能满足超高心墙堆石坝建设的需求。 TT1: Before completion of this station, fewer core of earth rock-fill dams in China are higher than 100m. In reality, however, the maximum dam height of Nuozhadu Hydropower Station must breakthrough the limitation of 100 meters, which exceeds the range of application of existing specifications. That means the existing construction technology and experience may fail to meet the requirements of the construction of earth rock-fill dam of super-high core wall. TT2: Before the completion of the Project, China had built few earth rock-fill dams with core wall of over 100m high. However, Nuozhadu Hydropower Station, far more than 100 meters, finds no application of existing construction technology and experience to meet the requirements of the construction of earth rock-fill dam of super-high core wall. 例2: ST:以昆明院总工程师、全国工程设计大师张宗亮为技术总负责的产学研用项目团队开展了十余年的研发和工程实践,在人工碎石掺砾防渗土料成套技术、软岩堆石料在上游坝壳的利用、土石料静动力本构模型、心墙水力劈裂机制、裂缝计算分析方法、成套设计准则、安全综合评价体系等方面取得创新成果均达到国际领先水平,确保了大坝的成功建设。 TT1: An engineering team for IURP (Industry-University-Research-Practice), Zhang, Zongliang, the chief engineer of Kunming Ltd. and the national great engineering survey design masters, as the chief technical principal, spends more than 10 years persistently studying to fill gaps in research and development and engineering practice, finally cracks this hard nut. The team has blazed many new trails: they are technology of impervious materials composed of natural clay mixed with artificial graded crush stones, the idea of using soft rock material in the upstream, static constitutive model about earth-rock mixtures, mechanism of hydraulic fracturing of core wall, crack calculation analysis method, complete testing system design, and synthetic appraisal system for project safety, all of which have stood in the international leading level and become the pivotal force for Nuozhadu Hydropower Station’s success. TT2: Having spent more than 10 years persistently in research and development and engineering practices, the engineering team for IURP (Industry-University-Research-Practice), led by the chief technical principal Zhang Zongliang, the chief engineer of Kunming Institute and the national master of engineering design, has blazed many new trails finally, including the technology package of impervious materials of artificial graded crushed stones mixed with natural gravels, the idea of using soft rock material in the upstream shell, the static/dynamic constitutive model of earth-rock mixtures, the hydraulic fracturing mechanism of core wall, the calculation and analysis method of cracks, the complete design criteria, and the synthetic appraisal system for safety, all of which have stood in the international leading level and become the pivotal force for the success of Nuozhadu Hydropower Station Project. 例3: ST:土石坝由于其具有对地质条件适应性强、能就地取材、建筑物开挖料利用充分、水泥用量少、工程经济效益好等优点,在水电开发中得到了广泛应用和快速发展,尤其是在西南高山峡谷地区,由于其交通及地形地质等条件的制约,土石坝的优势尤为明显。 TT1: Earth-rock dam with rapid development is a dam type applied widely in hydropower construction at home for it has some obvious advantages including strong adaptability, material accessibility, full use of excavated material, less cement consumption and good economic benefits. Especially in the high-mountain-and-gorge areas in the southwest of China, hindered by its natural traffic, topographic and geological conditions, the earth-rock dam becomes a particular priority. TT2:Earth-rock dam has good adaptability, material accessibility, full use of excavated material, low cement consumption and promising economic benefits. And it is more applicable especially in the high-mountain-and-deep-gorge areas in the southwest of China hindered by public traffic, and topographic and geological conditions. Therefore, the earth-rock dam is widely applied in hydropower construction at home and well developed in these areas. 研讨反思: 通过此次翻译研讨,对翻译的过程有了更加清楚的认识,主要的收获有以下四点: 第一、深入理解词语意思,通过翻译研讨过程中与同学和老师的案例讨论,发现自己对文本词语的理解不够深入,被词语的形式束缚,原因就在于对词语意思的揣摩还不够,缺乏深入思考,还要不断打磨译文。 第二、阅读平行文本的重要性,老师在案例讨论过程中着重强调的一个问题就是,科技文本涉及很多专业背景知识和专业术语,必须要多找多阅读平行文本,选择使用频率高的术语译文,才能准确、完整地表达出术语的意思。 第三、溯源主语、一句一句理清逻辑,工程类科技文本长难句较多,信息多,中文句式揉杂,层次结构不明显,在翻译过程中,需要找到准确的主语,按照英文表达习惯对原文进行长句拆分,调整语序,才能不被原文的句式影响,才能写出地道的英文译文。 第四、翻译简洁,在翻译研讨过程中,有很多句子很啰嗦,前后重复,导致目的语读者理解困难,所以我们在保证译文准确性的基础上还需要注意表达的简洁性。
